
Essential oils can help you manifest gratitude in your day. Having a grateful outlook on life and manifesting gratitude is always important. It is crucial to be thankful for the things in your life to be able to appreciate them for what they bring to us. One of the ways you can attract good things for yourself is when you focus on the small things that make you happy. How much of your day is spent focusing on what is not right? Perhaps now is the time to focus on what is right. We help you appreciate the things that make you joyful and our essential oil blend is perfect in helping you welcome more gratitude into your life.

Seniors Benefit from Essential Oils: Learning Gratitude

Therapeutic, energizing, and relaxing are the three words that come to mind when using Essential Oils. Essential Oils soothe and rejuvenate your mind so you can feel energized and ready to take on the day. 

With over 6 types of therapeutic grade essential oils added to make a rich blend, these oils enrich your life with appreciation, thankfulness, and most importantly, the will to do more. When we concentrate on the things most important to us, instead of getting stressed all the time, we open ourselves to receiving more and our hearts and minds work better. The oils we recommend include:

Myrrh Essential Oil: Soothing you with its rich deep reddish-brown color, this oil is a staple in traditional Chinese medicine, and for good reason. From sores to infections, this oil heals you from within. 

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang are beautiful yellow star-shaped flowers distilled to give you an aromatic, fruity, and flowery oil blend that seeps into your skin to relax you from within. For a senior looking for some peace, health, and relaxation, Ylang Ylang will make things so much easier. 

Frankincense Essential Oil: This aromatic oil has been around for ages. Frankincense oil makes for a layered woody sweet scent, perfect for those stressful days where you need some calm and quiet. 

Rosewood Essential Oil: For mature skin, rosewood oil penetrates deep into your skin to make your skin look radiant and youthful.

Balsam Fir Essential Oil: An uplifting and refreshing oil for ultimate senior relief. Its soothing effect not only relieves aches and pains related to old age but also prevents them from coming back.
Galbanum Essential Oil: Fresh, leafy Galbanum oil deserves a place in your daily diet to give your body the detox it deserves.

Dive into Serenity and Experience Peace

For people advanced in age, essential oils can prove to be the ultimate solution to a lot of problems. Completely organic and cruelty-free, essential oils are here to make things easier for you and the senior you care for on a day-to-day basis. Research has shown many ways that seniors benefit from essential oils: 

Fight dementia! Recent research has shown that essential oils can not only help improve memory functions but also tend to improve mental alertness, thus putting seniors at a lower risk of developing dementia in old age. 

Treat those aching joints: As we mature, our joints get stiffer and we might even already have arthritis! This can make getting up in the morning very painful. With a few drops of this Essential Oil blend, you can soothe your aching muscles with much better results. Our essential oil has anti-inflammatory and natural analgesic properties, which ensure you are as fit as ever. 

Sleep like a baby: Alleviate your sleep quality by using Essential Oils to calm you down to sleep. Put a drop or two of our essential oils on your pillow and sleep soundly. 
Heal internally: Whether it be healing respiratory problems or getting rid of wrinkles and crow lines, Essential Oils ensure you look your best no matter what your age is.

    How Can Seniors Benefit from Essential Oil Blends Daily?

    Elderly people deserve to treat themselves. Incorporating essential oils into their routine is as easy as it is beneficial for their health and wellbeing. Some ways of ensuring they get the most out of their oils ar

    • Through a diffuser: Turn on the diffuser at night and put a few drops of essential oils in it to have a peaceful, undisturbed slumber throughout the night.
    • Roll-on stick: Dilute the oil and store them in a roll-on stick for relaxation on the go. You can even use this blend as a perfume!
    • Beauty routine: Add some drops to a moisturizer or sunscreen for a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
    • Apply to the chakras. 
    • Add some drops into bath water for a calming warm bath.

    Are Essential Oils Safe to Use?

    It should be kept in mind that essential oils are potent in their properties, and if used directly on your skin, they can cause burns. That is why it is always a good idea to dilute essential oils either in water or carrier oils like castor oil or jojoba oil before you apply them. Alternatively, it is always wise to do a patch test on a small part of your skin to ensure you are not allergic to any of the oils in the blend.

    A good outlook is a strong belief that age is just a number. It doesn’t have to limit any of us. Our value in society solely depends on how much we value ourselves in turn. 

    Essential oils are an easy way to foster positive emotions which can bring more vitality and contentment to your life. From healing pain, whether it be physical or mental, to reducing Alzheimer’s and dementia, the essential oils help you ground your body. After all, the small moments matter, and small things lead to big changes.



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